Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Debra Jean Hathaway, BHS 1970

Debra Jean Hathaway, BHS 1970

Burbank Daily Review, Thursday, April 26, 1973

Debra J. Hathaway, 21, died Sunday, April 22, 1973, in a West Los Angeles hospital. A native of Burbank, Miss Hathaway had lived in the area all her life.

She was employed by the General Controls Division of the International Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.

She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keyn Hathaway of Burbank; a sister, Karen of Burbank; and grandparents, Mrs. Sylvia Hathaway of Sun Valley, and Mr.  and Mrs. M.D. Crady of South Dakota.

Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in the Church of the Hills, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills. Interment will be at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.


  1. Linda, thank you for posting this obit. Debbie and I had dated from 1968 to 1971. We were still friends when I went to Europe to travel in October 1972. I didn't learn of her death until I returned in June 1973. By then her family had left the area and I was unable to get any real information about the event.

    1. Her brave, beautiful, sweet sister still lives & thrives in Burbank. Her family did not leave the area, but more tragedies occurred later in 1970s
