Friday, March 7, 2014

Frederick (Fred) Charles Brendel, BHS 1959

Frederick (Fred) Charles Brendel, BHS 1959 December 18, 1941 - February 4, 2014 February 07, 2014, Burbank Leader Retired elementary schoolteacher dies. A longtime Burbank Unified elementary teacher passed away recently, school officials announced Wednesday. Fred Brendel began teaching in Burbank in 1964 at Stevenson Elementary, where he spent the majority of his career except for a one-year-stint in the late 1960s at Bret Harte Elementary. Until he retired in 1995, Brendel taught fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders. On his guest book some of his former students wrote how he was the best teacher they ever had. Fred was a member of the Senior Bulldogs and would sometimes come to the monthly luncheons at the Burbank Elks. Burial arrangements under the direction of Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I am SO saddened. Mr. Brendel was my favorite teacher growing up. God bless him!! There are no words to describe how I feel right now. I'm just now learning about this.
