Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Alan Scott Moore, BHS 1968

Alan Scott Moore, BHS 1968

Al died peacefully on October 22, 2020 at the age of 70 after a two-year battle with cancer.

Al was born to Betty and Ernie Moore in Burbank, California, and attended grade school, high school and community college in the area. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corp during the Vietnam War and honorably served his country. After the war, Al returned to civilian life and his adventuresome spirit took him around the world as a river rafter, where he gained many lifelong friends. Continuing his need to serve, he joined the Burbank Fire Department and met his firefighting family. He loved his work and helping the community.

While a firefighter, Al married Anne Pugel, and his life was changed forever! Anne brought with her many siblings and Al grew to know and appreciate the chaos of large family gatherings. Anne and Al shared a love of travel and visited many continents in their 31-year marriage.

While Al spent most of his life in Southern California, he and Anne chose to retire in the Pacific Northwest on beautiful Camano Island. His last 14 years were spent traveling the world or hosting family and friends at their home. Whether it was for a casual dinner or a relaxing weekend, there was always room at "The Lodge."

Al was preceded in death by his parents and is survived by his wife, Anne, his siblings, Alice Moore Robinson and Art Moore, and a large extended family. He will be remembered as a devoted and beloved husband, son, brother, brother-in- law, uncle, cousin, and friend.

Al may be remembered by donating to Guide Dogs for the Blind at Guidedogs.com or to the Wounded Warriors Project at woundedwarriorsproject.org

Published in The Herald (Everett) from Nov. 1 to Nov. 2, 2020.


  1. Al and Ann were walking by our place while house hunting on Camano. We chatted and in no time found Al was a retired (cop) and firefighter,and they figured out Dan was a rtd. Everett, WA cop. That was reason enough for a glass of wine, and our friendship went from there. Al may have been kind of quiet, but that just meant he was a good listener, and when he spoke it was with good reason. We will definitely miss him.
    Dan and Jets Anderson--Camano Is. WA

  2. Anne, please accept our heartfelt condolences. We hope your happy memories will help to soften your grief.
    Bonnie and Rick Rule
